Blues au tel

02/12/2007 22:11
419 lectures
Manque, n.m : fait de manquer, absence ou grave insuffisance d'une chose rare

"Blue Hotel, on a lonely highway,
Blue Hotel, life don't work out my way.

Blue Hotel, on a lonely highway,
Blue Hotel, life don't work out my way.
I wait alone in a lonely night,
Blue Hotel. Blue Hotel.

Blue Hotel, every room is lonely,
Blue Hotel, I was waitin' only.
The man in the light had a lonely dream,
Blue Hotel. Blue Hotel.

Blue Hotel, on a lonely highway,
Blue Hotel, life don't work out my way.

Blue Hotel, on a lonely highway,
Blue Hotel, life don't work out my way.
I wait alone in a lonely night,
Blue Hotel. Blue Hotel." (source)

Chris Isaac, Blue Hotel

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