Saison 2023/2024
Racing Club de Strasbourg

[Départ][Officiel] Hosni Abd Rabo


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  • Espérons entendre de nouvelles news bientôt
  • Hosni Abd Rabou pronounced in the skies of Lausanne ... I want to play for the club Ismaili of Egypt

    In a telephone conversation between Captain Aanus general manager Ismaili club andCaptain Tariq Abu El-leil the administrative facilities for the team and the co-traviler of Hosni Abd Rabbo in his trip to Lausanne in Switzerland to testify in the case currently infort of the court unforeseen international sports of the FIFA, said Captain Tariq Abu El-leil , it opened at the tenth and a half Switzerland time atheist ten and a half Cairo time income Hosni Abd Rabou to appear before the Hearing Committee made sports Court testimony and all the details of the case at the end of his testimony was a question Hosni following question by the Commission Hearing:

    -- Player Hosni Abd Rabou Where would prefer to complete your career in football in the Egyptian club Ismaili or in Astrasborj in France ?

    Hosni said it high in the skies of Lausanne and shook throughout the room for a hearing, by Hosni without hesitation and protect it as if by rote and out with hundreds of thousands of oh's by ismail's fans

    -- I want to play within the ranks of the Egyptian club Ismaili.

    Thanked the Hearing Committee Hosni and asked him to leave, and mercy Committee hearing witnesses in each case they Strasborj President of the French Club and the lawyer charged by the French club, Engineer Yahya Komi President resigned and the club Ismaili German lawyer in charge of the case for the club Ismaili.

    The Commission heard all those persons acknowledged that the final judgement in the case is next Monday after hearing both related to that issue, which has preoccupied the Egyptian sports street in general and ismaili's sport street in particular.

    ismaily Online is much thanks and appreciation to the Caesar of Egyptian and African football Hosni Abd Rabbo on his loyalty and allegiance to the Ismaili club and hopes to issue the final judgement in favour of Dervishes God Almighty.


    En gros, le cas d'Hosni qui n'est toujours pas définitivement réglé est à l'étude à Lausanne (TAS de la FIFA). Le joueur préfererait évoluer en Egypte plutot qu'à Strasbourg.

    Sinon on apprend que le manager général D'Ismaily s'appelle Captain Aanus et c'est assez rigolo, quoique ça ne change rien a l'affaire.
    Dénouement bientôt... à suivre.
  • Today they said that Hosni will be fined 420.000 euro for strassboutg and his contract with ismailia will be canceled as well as the contract between Ismailia and Strassboug.

    I just wanted to know, is this a true news?

  • That is to say that Hosni will have to pay 420 000€ as fine to Strasbourg and he will be free (out of contract)?

    Have you may be a link to this information?

    Thanks a lot :)
  • En français sa donne quoi?^^
  • Je ne suis pas sur d'avoir compris, c'est pour cela que je redemande :
    Hosni devrait payer 420 000€ (des € j'espère) au RCS et il serait alors libre de tout contrat : libre du contrat avec le RCS et libre par rapport à Ismaily.

    En clair, il suffit qu'un club lui offre une belle prime à la signature pour payer le Racing et le tour est joué :-s
  • La même chose qu'en français.

    Hosni devrait payer 420000 euros au Racing pour se libérer de son contrat et jouer pour Ismaily en toute légalité d'après un jugement rendu par le Tribunal Arbitral du Sport de Lausanne. L'emploi du conditionnel reste de mise, en effet, malgré des recherches, ni le site Ismailionline , généralement bien renseigné, ni aucune recherche google ne m'a permis de confirmer ou d'infirmer cela. Wait and see...

    On continue ici.
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