Saison 2023/2024
Racing Club de Strasbourg

[Départ][Officiel] Hosni Abd Rabo


Flux RSS 457 messages · 41.370 lectures · Premier message par samh · Dernier message par takl

  • Un vrai "Polar" que le transfert de ce joueur... :))
  • Une sacré merde surtout, quand on pense au ratio temps de jeu / boulot et embrouilles administratives.
  • Mais au moins ça anime notre intersaison... :D
  • Finalement alors ce n'est même pas de l'argent "en plus" mais de l'argent attendu qui n'est pas venu...
  • La nouvelle sitcom de l été c est au racing qu elle se joue :D
  • How r u For All ? =;
    I speak English because I am not good in French :)-
    I'm Egyptian It Ahli fans
    I wish to move Hosni Abd Rabo To Ahli
    Ahli club he was playing the Abu Muslim player Strasbourg current
    Komi, Ismaili mistaken, and he knows he was wrong and then bad image Egyptians in France :(
    I wish to end the problem of the best
    Good luck for Strasbourg in the French championship. And The player Egyptian Abu Muslim ;)
  • ummm

    can't say any thing for egyptian ahly fans except

    that u r giving a very bad image of egyptians

    by your way in talking english

    but if we come to hosni subject

    i think that all this subject was sent to fifa

    and now it's all in fifa hands

    so we don't need to talk about that subject until fifa say its decision

    and i think that the decision will be for ismaily club

    also i think there is no need to talk about any club here ( AHLY , ISMAILY ) any thing
    as this thread is especially for hosni not for the egyptian clubs
  • i am from ismaillia in egypt
    and i am hosny's friend and i play with him in ismailyclub

    and iam sure from hosny's love and mania to elismaily and he want to play in ismaily but ahlyclub want to damage ismaily by any way becouse ismaily the only team win elahly this season and elahly stole more and more from ismaily's players

    and i want say elismaily like ur team has low money and big team want to damage it

    and i want to invit u to ismaily's site
  • hello all
    you know it's my first reply in this respectfull forum
    my greetings to all the french people

    first : Sorry for using english but i'm so weak in the french
    (je suis tres faible en francais )

    second : I'm from ismailia city in egypt & i want to explain some points to u

    1- Ismaily club is the club no.3 in egypt after el ahly & el zamalek respectively
    2- Ismaily is the best team in egypt who plays the enjoying football
    3- Ismaily is the best team in egypt who depends on his own players & don't like buying strangers

    third : in case of Hosni Abd Rabo
    I really want to tell strabourgs' lovers that they lost the best half - defender player in egypt & may be one of the best in his role in africa>

    Abdrabo is one of the young players that was playing in ismaily club from the age of 8 years untill he became 21 to travel abroad to your beloved team.

    El ahly club in egypt we can compare it as Lyon in france
    every year he buys all the players in france & regardly the responsibles in egypt makes him the unique club.

    this player if he go to el ahly this will be the player no. 7 from ismaily that been stolen from us with ways we don't respect.

    one to fake his contract.
    the other let him go abroad after making alot of problems in ismaily then from abroad to el ahly.

    so i want to tell strasboutrgs' fans that
    your club was delayed 18 days to send the first section of abdrabo's money when he was newely transfered.

    so can't your board stand for a 9 day delayment.

    i know that the french people are kindfull so i hope this message will b red from your board.

    hope to be translated into french in order to be red by all of your honoured guests

  • ismaily club hs one of the most famous club in africa and has alot of good players so when racingstub loss the relation between ismaily so when racingstub need any player from ismaily we will refuse so h think that racingstub shoud resolve the problem of hosni abd rabo to ismailia so the relations is increased and racingstub gain ismaily

    el ahly is a very bad team because ahly allow racingstub to make a great mistake and may be FIFA blame racingstub
  • Citation:
    Third : in case of Hosni Abd Rabo
    I really want to tell strabourgs' lovers that they lost the best half - defender player in egypt & may be one of the best in his role in africa>

    Abdrabo is one of the young players that was playing in ismaily club from the age of 8 years untill he became 21 to travel abroad to your beloved team.

    I wanted t o tell you that I'm convinced that you are right. We have had a really desastrous handling of our transfers. We bought very talentous players without giving them the opportunity to show what they were able to do. In the case of Hosni, it was even worse: We let him play only a few matches and in a very defensive position which wasn't his. Even though, he showed good dispositions. If you add his young age and the time usually necessary to adapt to another playing style and for him, to adapt to a foreign culture, a foreign language etc.... than it would have been logical to continue with him and letting him increase playing time. It's obvious that he is a very very talentous player, having a good playing-vision and a good physical condition. I don't know if today he is really interested to evolve in the toughest championships in europe ( it seems to me that he is very attached to his mother-country ), but I think that he could be able to.
    Greetings to you Egyptian fans and let us know how Hosni will evolve
  • Quelqu'un peut traduire svp
  • wasef a écrit :
    ismaily club hs one of the most famous club in africa and has alot of good players so when racingstub loss the relation between ismaily so when racingstub need any player from ismaily we will refuse so h think that racingstub shoud resolve the problem of hosni abd rabo to ismailia so the relations is increased and racingstub gain ismaily

    el ahly is a very bad team because ahly allow racingstub to make a great mistake and may be FIFA blame racingstub

    Ils veulent que Ismaily porte plainte contre le Stub :))

    En gros ils sont pas content les fan de Ismaily, parce que Hosni est le7ème joueur que leur pique Ahly de manière peu régulière.
  • :O :O Ah bon, on va être en procès. :D
  • J'en appelle au jugement de Salomon ! [-(
  • takl a écrit :
    wasef a écrit :
    ismaily club hs one of the most famous club in africa and has alot of good players so when racingstub loss the relation between ismaily so when racingstub need any player from ismaily we will refuse so h think that racingstub shoud resolve the problem of hosni abd rabo to ismailia so the relations is increased and racingstub gain ismaily

    el ahly is a very bad team because ahly allow racingstub to make a great mistake and may be FIFA blame racingstub

    Ils veulent que Ismaily porte plainte contre le Stub :))

    En gros ils sont pas content les fan de Ismaily, parce que Hosni est le7ème joueur que leur pique Ahly de manière peu régulière.

    :)) Enorme! Faudra se cotiser pour payer les avocats!
  • Au pire j ai terminé ma première année de droit ;)
    Je le ferai bénévolement en plus :)

    ah merde mais ça n'a rien avoir avec le divorce :s
  • Ce ne sont pas déjà les Tunisiens qui étaient venus se chamailler sur le stub à propos de Gmamdia ? Là, j'ai l'impression que les Egyptiens sont bien partis pour faire de même et venir régler leur histoire ici :D
  • Ils se chamaillent pour savoir qui est le plus nul des deux?
  • En tout cas d'après ziko, au moment de l'achat d'Hosni, le Racing avait eu un retard de paiement de 18 jours, et Ismaily n'a rien dit, alors que nous on ne leur passe pas un retard de 9 jours. Forcement les fans trouvent ça un peu rude, surtout que du coup Hosni part pour Ahly qui est l'équivalent égyptien de l'ogre lyonnais qui achète tout ce qui sait a peu prêt jouer correctement au ballon dans le pays...

    On peut comprendre leur amertume, ils sont comme nous ces mecs, ils voient à chaque fois leurs bons joueurs partir chez les plus riches... :-s
  • salut takl, salut mes amies
    je suis Mohamed, d meme origine que hosni, meme ville. le probleme ici c'est que Ahly et Ismaily sont des enemies depuis longtemps , et c'est parce que Ahly est le betit enfant de media X-( et les mainslongs ici , il achete (hijack) beaucoup d'jeuers etoiles , Ismaily est une equipe sans income , il depend sur qlq tres jeunes jeuers, mais ils jeuent comme brasil -sans blague :)) - et le media le surnome brasil d'Egypte- brasil dArab- brasil d'Africa. (+) et aussi les meme couleurs Jaune&bleu
    Il y a aussi le jeuer d sheffield united Ahmed Fathi le camarad de hosni et son ami .
    ci tu cherche pour ISMAILY sur tu va trouve bcp de belles choses, et tu va l'aimer et savoir pourquoi on hais l'equipe de ahly
  • takl a écrit :
    En tout cas d'après ziko, au moment de l'achat d'Hosni, le Racing avait eu un retard de paiement de 18 jours, et Ismaily n'a rien dit, alors que nous on ne leur passe pas un retard de 9 jours. Forcement les fans trouvent ça un peu rude

    D'un autre côté, il me semble qu'ils ont vendu leur joueur alors que sa situation vis à vis du service militaire n'était pas réglée, ce qui nous a valu un feuilleton de l'été.
    Conclusion : je ne pense vraiment pas qu'ils ont des conseils à nous donner et quant à la rupture des relations pour de futures recrues, à mon avis, elle est consommée depuis un bon moment du côté du Racing...
  • Dear Sir,

    Samir El-Sayed, the agent of Abd Rabou tried to tarnish the reputation of the club Ismaili , as President Yahya Al-Komi despite the following statement by Al-Komi

    "Although the Ismaili is suffering from a financial crisis, we are committed to the contract with the club Strasbourg and will be reimbursed in full"

    I'd like to clarify that Ahli club wants to monopolize local championships through the demolition of all competitor clubs and especially the club Ismaili who owns the best players in the opinion of experts in Arab World.

    Ahli club is stalking Ismaili stars as he already has 3 key players playing permanently and were former Ismaili stars. They are : Barakat - El-Nahas - El-Shater.

    With the aids of Abd Rabou's agent ( Samir El-Sayed ), Ahly is snalking him because they have 2 defeats from Ismaily in Egyptian championship 2006 - 2007 of total 3 defeats. Abd Rabou was a star of Ismaili this season.

    Today Zamalek also decided to complaint to FIFA due to contracting with his National Player Moataz Innu by ways lacks legitimacy
  • Scuse me, but sincerly, he was no more included in the RCS plan, and we tried to find a solution for the two parts as soon as possible because we lost too much money since he signed in Strasbourg. We counted may be so much about him... I don't know

    We couldn't let him only money. we have paid too much and were all (the club and the fans) very sad and angry about his no-adaptation in Strasbourg. Time is Money or for us and for the Player. He couldn't stay by us in this situation why he would more play with the national team.

    That i've heard, your club have not paid quickly, it was not sure for us, that why they decided to sell the player at the club woh gives better garanties...

    Sorry... Now we can just wish the best for his futures career...

    Best Regards from Strasbourg

  • I hope this issue to be be resolved initiative of the President of Strasbourg , and Al-Komi in light of the good relations between the two clubs as Ismaily can supply Strasbourg with good players in the future.
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